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The first design studio project made a clear introduction to various well-known architects’ biography and their works, showing the progression on how spaces are created from the making of architectural elements: architectonics planes, lines, frames and solids. The idea of using pure and diagrammatic drawing to express the architectural idea is also in cooperated in this assignment.


Barcelona Pavilion, by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe was assigned to my group as an analytical study. The concept of fluid space with a seamless flow between indoors and outdoors was further explored and formulated into a set of 15 diagrams and a white model which showed the synthesis of analysis. The research was also presented in a short video to promote a better understanding of the background and key architectural style of the selected building. 




​Project 1: Famous People, Familiar Faces
             Diagrammatic Abstraction         





​Project 2a: Site Investigation and Nature Scanning
              Bharat Tea Plantation, Cameron Highland
​Project 2b: Tea for Two
​Project 2c: Tea House

To achieve a successful design, site analysis was done carefully which involved taking inventory of site elements and analyzing these factors relative to the tea drinking activity, client needs and aims. Relevant information about the properties of the site, from topography to climate to wind pattern and vegetation was gathered and  analyzed to establish ideal location for building with incorporation of site conditions into design. In a subgroup, we were tasked to provide site plan with contour as well as sections showing a clearer conception of site’s characteristic. Difficulties were faced in interpreting observations into drawings as the site boundary covers a relatively large area and the conditions of rugged mountain made inventory even challenging. 

This assignment stimulated design skill in generating form and space through architectural conceptualization, with the emphasis on exploring the user requirement and simple organization skills and design intentions to develop an architectural proposition. Aiming to design a structure of delight for the purpose of tea drinking, English tea culture was selected as the activity after considering the suitability with the concepts inspired from the chosen site earlier. The three elements—branching, layering and fluidity, were used conceptually as design theme for the tea pavilion. Correspond to the site, it is situated near to flowing river, bringing into relation with the selected theme and at the same time enhancing the casual and relax experience. 

This project extended the understanding of internal and external design values by introducing the notion of architectural space through the design of a user specific architectural scheme. In designing a simple building that meets user requirements and respect to site context, I have gained a better understanding of the balances and relationship between architectural tectonics, function and space in architecture. Also, it is essential to know how a building is conceptualize and transformed into reality. 



Developing tea pavilion into a tea house, the same concepts were remained as the design theme. Making the tea house unique to its landscape and activity, the design emphasizes the integration of building with its surrounding by transforming the wavy tea hills and running water at the site into the building’s flowing concept. The house perched on the slope along pathway connecting to waterfall, with lush and leafy surrounding, providing a naturally beautiful backdrop for this humble home. Though compact in term of having solid exposed concrete walls wrapped around the building, glass walls and opened observation deck extend the home as far as one’s eyes can see. Also, with the tea drinking area facing the flow of stream towards low land between hills, users’ vision is further enhanced by stretching scenery off into distant horizon, giving a casual environment for users to enjoy a cup of tea for relaxation and rejuvenation. It definitely offers couple a sweet retreat from the busy city.







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