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Exercise 1: The Art of Adaptation


“In Adaptation” aims to explore techniques and practise methods of creative knowledge-sourcing and critical analysis. When designing, it is commonplace for emphasis to be excessively focused on a singular concept as the be-all, end-all solution to manifold problems. In this module however, the act of designing is more so an act of problem-solving, one that therefore requires the ability to generate multiple ideas of substance rapidly. In order to do so, it is crucial to have a broad range of information and knowledge from which to draw upon, as well as to engage with a subject matter in depth. Through a series of discussion-based workshops, forums, exercises and lectures, the module introduces the process of reading, translating and adapting disparate creative mediums such as film, art, and most importantly, literature in relation to architecture. It is through this critical process that students will begin to build upon their wealth of knowledge as well as exercise discernment in matters related to architectural design such as context, content and cultural relativity and relevance.

Exercise 2: Obeserving The Everyday
Final Project: Invisible Cities Re-synthesized
                   An Experiment

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