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​Project 1: Application of Building Services






This project is related to Design Studio 2 by proposing and designing appropriate systems installation for a domestic housing design. The understanding of building services is demonstrated in cold water and hot water supply system, electrical supply system, sewerage system as well as drainage system. Drawings and diagrams of building services systems are produced relating to the design, including specifications, symbols, legends, images and others to describe the installation of all the building services. Additionally, specific clauses in the Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) which related to the proposed are cited.

Click here to be linked to the complete report.

In a group of 6, we have chosen Setia City Mall, Shah Alam, to perform a case study on the building services systems installed in the shopping complex, knowing that it is the first Malaysian mallaccorded the Malaysian Green Building Index Silver Award and the Singapore Building and Construction Authority Green Mark Gold Award. This project gives a clearer picture of what we have learnt in the classroom and to evaluate their our understanding on the systems based on observation. It exposes us to the integration of various building services systems in a building. Deeper understanding has developed on how each building services functions including the connections and position of different parts equipment. Principles of systems, drawing conventions, standards and space implications as well as regulations related to different building services systems are presented in a research report. Other than the service systems covered in Project 1, the research field has widen to fire protection system, air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system and mechanical transportation system.

​Project 2: Case Study, Analysis & Documentation of
Building Services Systems







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