​Project 1: Fettuccine Truss Bridge

3D structural view

Ground floor structural plan

First floor structural plan

Roof structural plan

​Project 2: Extension of a R. C. Bungalow

Click here to be linked to the complete report.
Click here to be linked to the complete group report (structural drawing).
Click here to be linked to the complete report on the calculation of forces acting on the columns n beams.
This project has the requirements of building a fettuccini bridge of a clear span of 600mm length and a maximum of 150g in weight. Precedent studies were carried out to study a truss bridge of our choice. The studies were then used to apply our understanding to the design of our bridge. Structural analysis was carried out through the observation of load test to design several bridges and then selecting the best bridge.
The fettuccine bridge was considered as a successful bridge as it can withstand 12kg of loads, with one of the highest efficiencies which is 1099. By constructing a truss bridge using fettuccine, we need to make sure the materials given are to be used at its full potential. Not to mention that good workmanship is essential to achieve quality, it is also very important to have a feasible and well-thought construction sequence throughout the process by evaluating and exploring different arrangement of members in a truss structure. As future architects, it is significant for us to take all these factors into consideration when it comes to a real design.
This assignment is aimed to introduce the basic design process of a building structure. It helps one to identify the structural components and also to understand the structural engineering considerations taken behind the concept and structure layout design. To ensure a building structure actually works, intricate calculations are done to make sure the dimensions of the structural members used are appropriate.